Friday, November 15, 2019

An Atrocious Pair Of Eyelet Pliers

There are cheap tools that are remarkably good value for the money, and then there are cheap tools that ought not to exist. Here's an example of the latter.

It's a pair of eyelet pliers, for crimping 11/64" inside diameter eyelets.[1] Overall length of the pliers is about 5 3/4". Moment length is about 4 3/8". That moment length is inadequate to yield sufficient leverage to successfully crimp an eyelet. Here's a view of an eyelet 'crimped' by the pliers.

Barely crimped at all. Here's a view of an eyelet crimped by a proper pair of eyelet pliers.

One wonders why the manufacturer of the pliers even bothered to make them.

I've been racking my brain to try to come up with a way to modify or re-purpose these pliers to some useful end, and I've come up empty. I think they're about to go in the garbage.

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[1] Eyelet sizing is arcane. According to this chart, what I have here are #000 1/2 eyelets. (Between #000 and #00.)

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