Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Long 1/4" Masonry Drill

It's a little over 13" long; it's in very good condition.

On the shank it says, "1/4" 6.5 MM P&N"


Bullshit metric equivalents irritate me. 1/4" is 6.35mm. I put a caliper on the drill's business end, and read 6.65mm diameter. I think what it ought to say on the shank is, "Close enough to 1/4" 6.5mm."

Anyway, it looks like a fine tool, apart from that little quibble.

"P&N" stands for "Patience & Nicholson" -- a New Zealand firm that makes all kinds of stuff. P&N is now fifty years old. I have a set of their screw extractors that I bought when I was a teenager. So, as my son pointed out to me at the dinner table this evening, I must have been one of their earliest customers who helped get them going. Here's a view of the screw extractor set.

The closed lid of the container (which refuses to close properly) looks like this.

On the lid it says, "P&N SCREW EXTRACTORS SET 15 Nos. 1-5 MARYBOROUGH VICTORIA AUSTRALIA". I guess P&N moved from Australia to New Zealand at some point.

I googled that logo image, and came up empty. I didn't see a 'P&N' logo quite like that come up. (Note the superimposition of the upper part of the 'P' over a silhouette of Australia.) Do you know how old all of that makes me out to be? I'm so bleeping old that I have things in my possession that not even Google can find. I may as well be as old as the bleeping pyramids in Egypt, fer chrissakes!

Anyway, this drill can join the few other long masonry drills I have in the second shallow drawer of my big tool chest.

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