Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A Dahlia Sprayer

Here's a new one on me -- something I've never encountered before.

It's a Dahlia Sprayer -- a sprayer/mister that you hand pump to pressurize. Apparently, these things are quite valued for the fine, dripless mist they produce. An outfit that sells them, Gaylord Archival, says this about them: "The Dahlia Sprayer has remained the standard handheld mister for many years. It is particularly well suited for relaxing paper and removing stains."

I tried out the one pictured and it works. It was made by the Maruhachi Industry Company of Tokyo, Japan. (If they're still a going concern, they don't appear to have a website.)

I'll stash this one in the storage room for now, along with some of my wife's gardening things. Perhaps she'll find use for it as some sort of plant mister.

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