Sunday, March 27, 2016

Bates National Rule BNR-15 15" Steel Rule

It's a difficult subject to photograph well, but there it is.

It's quite a good steel rule, with a cork backing. I really don't care for cork backings on rules -- I can get by just fine without the alleged 'non-slip' feature of them, and the way that the backing raises the rule up off a surface is inconducive to accuracy because of the parallax effect that's introduced.

From what I can see on the internet, the Bates Manufacturing Company of Hackettstown, New Jersey has disappeared into the mists of time.

The rule has a hole in it at one end for hanging, so I'll hang on the nail where I have a few other rules hanging.

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1 comment:

  1. I purchased a couple of Bates cork-backed rules 40 years ago when I did some drafting. This design is intended for use with technical pens (see Wikipedia) that give constant line width. The advantage of the raised rule is that it does not allow the ink to wick under the edge of the rule, leaving a distinct, unsmudged line.
